Monday, February 15, 2010

Presidents Day
A USS Nashville Valentine

On this day I think not so much of the two presidents, Washington and Lincoln, each deserving of their own holiday, but of yesterday, Valentine's Day. More specifically, of the men of the USS Nashville, rightfully odd as that seems. For there is a connection between the Nashville crew and the essence of Valentine's Day. Stay with me on this one, it is not that much of a stretch. Think of the intangibles that make for a successful, long term, loving marriage or relationship and most people will include variables such as love, respect, caring, forgiveness, sharing, admiration, understanding of roles and trust. Now, think of what has kept the crew of the Nashville attending reunions, reading newsletters, sending cards and generally caring for the past 65 years. The list is essentially the same. I have mentioned before that in the 8 years I have been connected to these men, never once did I hear anyone boast of their own accomplishments during their service. Never. They boasted for sure, but of their ship mates and the ship itself. How many spouses can make that statement? One of the most profound statements I ever heard was from an 82 year old Nashville crewman during the 2007 reunion, "I have never felt love like I have from the crew of the Nashville". Most of us, especially us civilians, will never be able to fully grasp and engage just what he meant.

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